Wednesday 2 June 2010


so i was making sandwich right?
set everything up;plates, mustard,mayo and tofurkey slices all in front of the toaster
throw the bread in the toaster and go play for a few minutes
i come back and assemble everything
bam spreadin' mayo
sphladaow squeezin' for muxtard
throw the slices on and sealed the deal with the other piece of toast
now since i'm a grown ass man i have to put all this stuff away
but since i was jonesin' to destroy this sandwich i hurried
put the slices back in the fridge
ran back and put the mayo lid on the pointy part of the mustard bottle and knocked it over
there's mustard on the counter now
good thing no one saw that....

Thursday 21 January 2010


i'm having lunch with friends
i got a veggie burger and fries
after a few bites i notice that some mustard/ketchup fell onto my finger
i grab a napkin and wipe my finger off but noticed it was very smooth and didnt get too much off
i look down and realized that i wiped my finger off with the extra lettuce that i left on my plate
the napkin was right next to it

good thing no one saw that...

Sunday 3 January 2010


i threw something into the clothes basket that didnt belong in there...i can't seem to remember what it was

good thing no one saw that


i woke up with a killer sore throat
i make my way to the kitchen to take medicine
i set it up
cup here, water is boiling for tea and aspirin is in my hands
i get a tea bag and throw it into the cup
but i heard a clinking noise and look in
i see three tablets of aspirin in there..
good thing no one saw that

Friday 4 December 2009


i wake up at like 6am
i usually fall back asleep
the tv and xbox was still on
i wanted to play a dvd to fall asleep to
i put my hand on the bed as if i was holding a mouse
(there is no mouse for the xbox)
and actually dragged it while looking at the tv
realized nothing was moving and rolled over and went back to sleep
good thing no one saw that..

Thursday 22 October 2009


so i'm washing my dishes
and grab the sponge from the holder (cup)
and i'm scrubbing cheese from this cleaver
i finish up and put the cleaver into the cup instead of the sponge
good thing no one saw that

Sunday 20 September 2009


i wake up
hang around for a sec
brush my teeth
wash my face
i wanted cereal
head to the kitchen
set up my bowl and spoon combo next to the sink
head across the kitchen to the fridge
pull out the milk
leave the fridge open since it's gonna be quick work
set the milk next to the bowl
go across the kitchen again to the rice krispies
pour the cereal into the bowl
grab the cereal box to put it back
on my way back i noticed the fridge was open
without thinking i put the cereal box into the fridge
..i'm an idiot
good thing no one saw that